Thursday, January 13, 2011

Books and Nerdom and Converse

A good friend of mine has amazing dreams. Like dreams that would be awesome books or stories or movies. I love hearing her dreams. I dream, but rarely remember it, and they're usually not anything exciting. The other night, though, I had a dream! A good one! The kind that I woke up, got my phone and started typing the ideas I could remember. I sent the gist of it to my friend and she said I should write it out. A book? Me? Pshhhaaawww. But....... it might be fun. So although I have no idea where to start I'm going to attempt to get it down on paper.
In other news, I've watched all of Dr. Who series 4 in about 3 days and I'm in love. The Doctor even wears Converse. Now, I don't think his collection is as random as mine:
but nonetheless, it's awesome. Makes me feel ok about continuing to buy converse haha. I've seen some really cool custom chucks that I've been eyeballing. So anyway, that's all I've got going for now. Still looking for work, school starts in a couple weeks and I'm almost done with my Top Secret Knitting Project! Things are A-ok.

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