Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pity Party Averted

Last week I asked my mom if I could throw myself a pity party. One person had RSVP'd to my bridal shower and I was super bummed, feeling like I had no friends and that I was unimportant. Wah wah Wah. This along with my mom being gone when she was supposed to be visiting me and my grandpa being in the hospital I was just in a low mood. Today at work, we had a staff meeting at lunch. I went with my boss to pick up the food we ordered and when I came back they had turned teh conference room into a little surprise bridal shower. They pitched in and got us some stuff from our honeyfund.com account and some kitchenwares. It was awesome. Here I was thinking I was lame and unimportant and lo and behold they were just being sneaky.
I'm lucky to work at such a great office and I love my co-workers. I feel like I'm a part of this family even though I've only been here a little over 5 months :-)

So, as I said, Pity Party Averted.
Now back to work!

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