Thursday, October 21, 2010


The good news is that I'm in a slightly better mood today! ha
Today was the last day of my 8 week running class. We did the timed mile and some other tests like plank, pull ups and pushups. I went from a 10:09 mile to a 9:20! I didn't even realize I was getting faster! I'm taking the class again (starts next week) so I'll make it my goal to run an under 9 min mile. I also held the plank for 3 minutes, the only girl to do so! Booya!
Halloween is coming soon! I have two different events and two different costumes! Bunco is this week and I have to be an food/edible related costume. Everyone expects me to be crafty so I've come up with a few ideas. Tomorrow is costume making day so we'll see what I can find and how it'll come together. Next week I'll be making Brendan and I's costumes for our party on the 30th. I've gotten a couple RSVP's so I don't have to do that stressful "no one is coming, I don't have any friends and I'm a loser" thing. I need to figure out the snacks and rest of decorations for the house too. And see if my fog machine still works! :-)
The niece's birthday is in three weeks. I'm almost done with the present and ordered the other one so I'm good on that front. I'm starting to think about my Christmas list and what I can make everyone. Depending on money saving, I'd really like to get Brendan an iPad for christmas, we'll see how that goes.
Random picture time. Cruzin for life:

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